
Signing up is simple, completely free, and there’s absolutely no commitment.

You only pay when we are working for you, and we charge per minute.

Payment is by invoice at the end of each month, and can be made with Paypal or Bank transfer.

For assignment that are carried out in person, in Munich.

All work charged per minute @ €0.99 (inc. MwSt)

+ PLUS +

Flat fee for travel to locations in Zones 1 & 2 = €15 (inc. MwSt.)

Flat fee for travel to locations in Zones 3 = €20 (inc. MwSt.)

Flat fee for travel to locations in Zones 4 = €25 (inc. MwSt.)

For travel to locations outside Zones 4, price is subject to distance. Contact for a quote.

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For assignments that can be completed remotely over email / phone.

All regular work charged per minute


Common all-in packages.

Elterngeld application


Kindergeld application


Registration of a newborn and requesting birth certificate


Kindergarten / Krippe application via Kitafinder (up to 7 years)


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